Thursday, May 21, 2009

One baby coming right up

Looking through the D catalog felt like we were ordering something today. 

On my lunch C came to visit and we sat together and went through the catalog that we got from the SB of all of their donors. I told her " Here we are picking our baby through a catalog"

On another funny note, we happened to get the phone number of a D who we were thinking of in the beginning. I had said that we dont see him often and dont really know him all that well, he's not a stranger but not a best friend. Due to some other circumstances we got his number. We wont be asking, neither of us feel comfortable asking him. Ehh o well.

-If we get home early enough from the In-Laws- take a walk!
-Not stress

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Are we there yet?

So in the past few weeks we had rebounded from the mess that was our D. Glad we are over that. I got in contact with the S.B that we are thinking of using for paper work and such. Then last night, I stumble upon another S.B that is lesbian owned and here where we live ( Okay about 45 mins away but thats not TO far!). C and I are planning on going through their donor list tonight to choose a few who we like and deciding which S.B to go with, I wonder if my Dr could shed some light on SB's?

Last weekend I helped throw a triple baby shower! 3 of my co-workers are pregnant about 4 weeks apart, it was awesome! One of my co workers had done this thing with a needle and string to predict how may and what sex your children will be. She did mine and it said 1 boy, hmm well i plan on trying for more than 1 but it was fun!

I cant help it but look at baby items online, I wont buy any yet but boy would I like to!
 I did buy two more books, one informational on lesbian conception etc etc and another one just for good reads. I realize that I have many books that I have started but not finished. Perhaps while we wait for trying for baby I should read them =)

In the mean time I have kicked soda ( for the most part, i did have one the other day but hey), almost all sweets (almost) and have been eating better, although I am getting tired of salad. We also went on our first walk. We had said weeks ago we would start walking but didn't, but we did now! Now all we have to do is keep it up!

Agenda until next time..
-Continue to drink no soda
-take our 2nd walk
-choose various D's from the S.B
-Go to DR. apt June 1!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Checking, Checking and Checking

I know that we are far from buying sperm from the sperm bank but we have looked and have found 1 donor that we like. There was 2 but one was counted out after reading his family medical history and all of the women in his family had something wrong with their reproductive organs and had them removed,Ouch! 

I check on our "donor" to see if it still available, if it has reached its family limit or if it is gone. So much of making a baby for us depends on things we can not control.

Plus im getting sick and im tired! Wah!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Face the music

I had yet to blog and honestly it was because it meant facing the music which is now our life. We had asked D weeks ago and would chat with him once or twice a week at most.  When we asked he was not at all surprised but didn't like the restraints that would be put on his sexual life and the restrictions of donating ( using a condom with his long time girlfriend). The questions he had made us wonder and made C worry.  We decided on our own to not use D as our donor. We called and let him know and he didn't seem to mind, at least we caught this in the early stage and not in the midst of TTC.

Being that we have no male friends we have decided to use a bank. C is worried about the money being that I am the only one working right now but I told her it will be fine. It is not the route we had hoped to use but sometimes things change.  In the beginning we had one other person in mind whom we only see once MAYBE twice a year, we actually might see him Sunday but im sure no conversation will come about that would end in him letting go into a cup once a month for us, bummer. 

I hijacked it and have yet to finish it or give it back to her, which she is being a good sport about. We really must find more books on lesbian parenting. Maybe I will use the gift cards I received for books on Amazon.

On the Agenda
-Start walking! ( We make plans to do so and never do, we must stop doing this!)
-Continue to eat healthy 
-Find a book that will better explain the charting process
-Not let this stress us out!
-Dr. Apt June 1 ( and an ultra sound to make sure there are not cysts on the baby making organs..My ovaries )