Saturday, August 29, 2009

Movin it up

We had our follow up appointment on Wednesday morning. It was only 30 mins. long and we got tons of information.
The first good thing is that i've lost 7.5 pounds!!!!! I was telling C that I didn't think I had lost any weight at all and in fact thought I may have gained some, but to my surprise I didn't! Dr. A. explained that all of my labs came back good and the only thing to keep working on was the weight a bit. He made our plan which will consist of

3 cycles with Metformin & Clomid
If im not pregnant within those 3 months then
3 more cycles with Metformin & injections

IF im still not pregnant after that then we will re-discuss an HSG..
O and did I mention that we will no longer wait until Jan. 2010 but now we will start in NOVEMBER!!!!!!

C and I are both very excited and cant wait.

We many time talk about our un-conceived unborn child as if they are already here.

We love you already little baby, there are so many people who anticipate you already.

Friday, August 14, 2009


I dont know what it is but im feeling very drained. We have not even started TTC but already I feel stressed. Maybe it is due to the fact that my classroom at work is in shambles as we start to move to a new classroom. Things are all over the room, rugs are not in there etc etc. Nothing is on the walls and it doesn't feel like my classroom at all. Hopefully after the move things will get better.

It could also be the hormonal switch from CD 1-11 and on, who knows.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


When I called the RE on Monday to schedule my HSG she told me that as long as I was not having a heavy flow on the day of my HSG they would do it.

So C and I go in yesterday and I go to have it done. The Dr. who did the procedure did not explain any thing to me, I had no idea what was going on and when I asked the nurse she said " He is getting you ready", They then called in another Dr to take the x-rays and I was still not informed of what or when they were doing. They injected the dye without telling me and I flinched from the cramping. The catheter came out at the Dr said we would need to reschedule because there was still blood in my uterus. After I get off of the table the Dr looks at me and says " Well i hope you didn't pay to much for this" to which I reply " yes I did, it was almost $200!" I got a refund at the end. DW and i talked on the way home and she expressed that she was unsure as to why I needed one done in the first place. We read that HSG's are usually a common things for women undergoing fertility treatment to rule out complication in the uterus and tubes or women who have had miscarriages. We personally dont feel that it is necessary for us at this time and e-mailed our Dr last night.

When our Dr emailed back he said that it was not necessary and that we could speak more at our follow up apt.

I am relieved at this point but still know that it may be looming again in the future..and it hurt!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Down the hatch

1 Doxycycline
3 Advil
and 1 prenatal last night...

Is this was TTC is? Shoving down pills of all sizes and colors?! Hmmm....

Yucky Day so far...

I had to take the Doxycycline this morning as part of the HSG requirements. I took it when I was at work and planned to eat a little something about an hour after. Well i decided that orange juice was the best thing so i drank some and then saw it again about 5 mins late...yuck!

Unfortunately we have a flu bug going around the center so i had to tell my boss, yes i threw up but no im not sick, just the meds.

Ahhh a flu bug!

Hopefully my HSG goes okay and we get good news that my tubes are not blocked. Will post when we get home from the HSG.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jordan Baby

It has been a quiet Sunday. Usually we spend the day at C’s grandmothers with some of C’s family and have dinner; today her grandma had something else to do.

Yesterday we went to S.F and spent the day at the pier with my In-Laws, SIL, BIL and our nephew. Later that day we ended up in NikeTown SF. Now let me just say that stating that C is addicted to shoes (Jordan’s) is an understatement, im not sure how much more someone could love an inanimate object then she does, but any way. So there we are in the children’s section of NikeTown and im on the phone with my FIL, filing him in on the tour that we took and letting him know when we would be coming over later that night. So i'm midsentence when C opens up what looks like a Nike lunch box, but inside were black and red children’s Jordan’s shoes. Now ordinarily she would ask if we could buy them for our nephew who has up until our TTC journey has started, has been spoiled by us (The child’s first pair of shoes were Jordan’s, he would get 1-2 new pairs of Jordan’s bought by us for him a month) but C turns to me and says “ Can, Can, can we buy them..For us?” Coming to grips with the fact that we can look at baby things and children’s things and have them possibly be fore us still shocks me. I told her I loved them but no..Later maybe…

After arriving home from our trip we gathered our clothes and such and went to the in-laws house to spend the night. Before we get there I asked C “ Do you care if your parents know we are going to try for baby?” She says “ It doesn’t really mater to me who knows, I know you hate it when I say that but I don’t really”, So when we go to their house, we told them. Uneventfully and right out of the car I tell my MIL “ C is scared to tell you that we are going to have a baby, I mean not now but we are going to try for one in Jan.” She was shocked but that was the end of that. I think there are a lot of questions people in our family about how we will go about getting our little bundle of joy but they are scared to ask.

Back to today. So C is gone with her brother and im here at home, no one is here and its quiet. So I read and finished my book FINALLY!

1 more to finnish and 2 more to go through and take important info out of..

Tomorrow is my HSG. The women at the RE office told me that they will not perform it if I have a heavy flow but if im spotting they will. So I have to wait a few more hours to decide if im going to take the medicine I need to for tomorrow, I should just call the RE office. I don’t want to reschedule it but im afraid I will have to….grrr

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Damn you

Sprinkles Cupcakes! It was one of my kids birthdays at work and her mom brought in Sprinkles cupcakes....FYI- They do not help when you are trying to loose 8 pounds for baby!

But they are so yummy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The sum of our life

Lets see where to begin....

I finally scheduled my HSG for this upcoming Monday. I had to go today to take a pregnancy test (I wish I was!) and then Monday afternoon we go in. Im sad that C cant go in with me for the HSG but Im sure I will make it through just fine. I told C that after Monday I will call the RE to make our next apt. with our fertility DR. to see what steps are next. C is not all that into the DR apts and the lab work and could care less about it all and honestly, so could I.

We have yet to send in our paper work for the SB. Im not procrastinating I just cant seem to find a fax machine that works, then again im not trying that hard. We are in no real rush yet to send in the paper work just yet. I suppose after the DR. tells us what will happen next, we will have more of an idea as to when we should be sending the paper work in and deciding on donors.

After posting on we talked about buying 3 vials from one donor. If after 3 months we are not pregnant from that donor, we will switch donors. Which will ease up on the savings before the New Year. Our initial plan for baby was to save 4-5,000 to spend on all the vials we would need, I didn’t think about what would happen if we needed or wanted to switch donors. Today when I told C about it she said “ didn’t I say that in the beginning?” She is ultimately always right!

We are so excited to start trying for baby and can hardly wait to find out what next steps are needed.

Guess who else caught baby fever? C’s sister. My SIL currently has one son whom C and I love very much. C spent most of the first 2 years of his life with him and we see him many times a week, he’s an awesome little guy (You got ants up your nose bay-bay?”) Anyway, my SIL and her husband said they are going to start trying for a new baby about the same time we are…

As for the 8 pounds I need to loose..Im not sure how Im doing. We don’t have a scale but I have been watching what I eat and have been drinking lots of water. Taking the stairs only etc etc, Small steps. I really need to use the gym at work, but using the gym at night means more time away from C and I hate that! We will figure something out..

O Baby, while your not even conceived yet we hope you know how much you are wanted and will be loved. Please find your way to us...