Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jordan Baby

It has been a quiet Sunday. Usually we spend the day at C’s grandmothers with some of C’s family and have dinner; today her grandma had something else to do.

Yesterday we went to S.F and spent the day at the pier with my In-Laws, SIL, BIL and our nephew. Later that day we ended up in NikeTown SF. Now let me just say that stating that C is addicted to shoes (Jordan’s) is an understatement, im not sure how much more someone could love an inanimate object then she does, but any way. So there we are in the children’s section of NikeTown and im on the phone with my FIL, filing him in on the tour that we took and letting him know when we would be coming over later that night. So i'm midsentence when C opens up what looks like a Nike lunch box, but inside were black and red children’s Jordan’s shoes. Now ordinarily she would ask if we could buy them for our nephew who has up until our TTC journey has started, has been spoiled by us (The child’s first pair of shoes were Jordan’s, he would get 1-2 new pairs of Jordan’s bought by us for him a month) but C turns to me and says “ Can, Can, can we buy them..For us?” Coming to grips with the fact that we can look at baby things and children’s things and have them possibly be fore us still shocks me. I told her I loved them but no..Later maybe…

After arriving home from our trip we gathered our clothes and such and went to the in-laws house to spend the night. Before we get there I asked C “ Do you care if your parents know we are going to try for baby?” She says “ It doesn’t really mater to me who knows, I know you hate it when I say that but I don’t really”, So when we go to their house, we told them. Uneventfully and right out of the car I tell my MIL “ C is scared to tell you that we are going to have a baby, I mean not now but we are going to try for one in Jan.” She was shocked but that was the end of that. I think there are a lot of questions people in our family about how we will go about getting our little bundle of joy but they are scared to ask.

Back to today. So C is gone with her brother and im here at home, no one is here and its quiet. So I read and finished my book FINALLY!

1 more to finnish and 2 more to go through and take important info out of..

Tomorrow is my HSG. The women at the RE office told me that they will not perform it if I have a heavy flow but if im spotting they will. So I have to wait a few more hours to decide if im going to take the medicine I need to for tomorrow, I should just call the RE office. I don’t want to reschedule it but im afraid I will have to….grrr

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