Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Different Doctor

So before we get to the Dr situation im going to update about the meds.

Provera-I started taking it on the 7th and will finish with my 10 days on the 17th. Then AF will show.

Metformin-I started taking it again last night. Im currently doing 1 850mg pill 1 time a day. The last time I took it, I did the 2 weeks with one pill and then moved up the dose as told by my Dr. to 2 850 mg pills a day. Well when I took the two pills I for really sick. So I just did the 1 pill. The RE told me 1 pill of Metformin was better than nothing. Well today I emailed the RE and asked if I should try the 2 pills a day again and he said yes. So in 2 weeks, I will start the 1700 mg of Metformin a day.

PNV's-Started taking them again =)

So as to why the Dr. change.

When we first started TTC, our RE told me that I should lose some weight but never said anything more about it. When we started our cycle the nurse we saw and continue to see continuously brought it up about my weight, always was saying to watch what I ate and to lose weight. Now I know im overweight, im not denying that but I know PLENTY of women who are overweight and have had children. I shrugged the comments off every time we saw her. C and I then got a Balley's membership and started going to the gym, we started eating better and overall I felt better, but I still did not lose any weight. Initially when we started our treatments I lost 8 pounds. Again, every time we saw her she commented on my weight and made it a big deal.
     When I emailed her in Feb. to tell her that we were taking a break and would resume in June so that we could recover financially and for me to lose some more weight. She emailed back and said something to the effect of " Im sure that when you lose the weight you will conceive." Needless to say I was surprised and what she said and a little bummed. I had been duped into believing that UNLESS I LOSE WEIGHT I WILL NEVER CONCEIVE.
     After March went by I decided to ask some of the girls on TheBump.com ( where I frequent) what they thought and if they thought we should change Dr.'s. A lot of them agreed with me and said that yes, being over weight can hurt my chances but NO Dr. should be so concerned with that that they lack on what they should be doing. They should be a partner in the process, not reminding me that Im fat whenever I see them.
     I talked to C today and she agreed that we should switch. So I made a call to another branch of the medical we have and will wait for them to call. I hope we find an RE that we both like and who can look past my weight and focus on getting us a LO!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little late in responding to this, but I just wanted to tell you that I think you are 110% right in switching to a different RE. Plently of overweight women, myself included, get pregnant every single day. And yeah, maybe it's takes some of us a little longer than our normal weight sisters, but we should never be made to feel that our weight is the only thing preventing us from conception. I hope your new re isn't so fat phobic.
