Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Im not sure what it is or even where it started. Today, melancholy is how im feeling. My mind is being sent in so many different directions, im not sure it really knows how to feel.

Work is well work. Stressful but always fun. I spend my morning marveling over the children in my classroom who could play UNO for hours if I let them and who for the first time yesterday were given screws and screw drivers to investigate. They loved it. But so much of work is relationship based that when im having a sad day or an off day or a I-dont-feel-well-but-cant-really-tell-anyone-why kind of day, I wish I could stay home. 

The last IUI and now progesterone supps. have really sent me on a ride. The prog. sups. make me tired beyond belif and I sometimes think I may not make it though the day. The constant cramps ( ok not constant but they have yet to go away) and now the ijustdid1millionsitup's feeling to add to all of this. My back has been bothering me making it a bit hard to sleep and get comfortable. So there I am in bed, tired, cranky and cant fall asleep for the life of me. Feeling sad that C cant be there with me most of the time made me cry the other night, I feel asleep with tears streaming down my face. It was bad night. 

I can not wait to meet this little bundle of joy in the next week. When I think about it, it makes my eyes well up with tears. Im not sure if the tears are happy tears or half happy half sad its not me. Either way, awaiting his entrence into the world is exciting but also taking an emotional toll on me. 

1 comment:

  1. HUGS. I hate sleeping alone, too. I hope all the sadness, aches, and pains are your BFP.
