Tuesday, December 28, 2010

O yea my blog, that thing I forgot about!

It deserves an update!

The week we found out
Was also christmas week. We were shocked, amazed, grateful, cautious, happy etc etc etc. After a first great beta of 319 @ 15dpIUI we decided we would tell our family. We know that the road is long and whatever may be may be and thought that IF anything happened to our precious baby bear, we wanted all the support we could get. So we told them.

My mom was first on X mas eve. She received a silver frame that said " When a child is born, so is a Grandmother" I also added my own little poem that said

Dear Grandma,
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
In August 2011
Ill be seeing 

Her initial response was a mirage of "O MY GOD O MY GOD O MY GOD" mixed in with tears.

Next C's family found out on Christmas. We purchased a frame that said Nana on it for C's grandmother and wrote on the paper inside

Great Grandchild #14 Coming in August 2011

As for C's parents, they got this little onsie.

At first they didn't get it. They thought it was for my sister in laws baby who was just born. Until C said it wasn't for him that they got it. We got a lot of hugs and congrats and that they would all like a girl. =)

I finally got my second beta back from yesterdays blood work. It came back as 2221! Whooo hoo!


  1. I am so jealous you got to do cute announcements like that! But also so amazing to hear what the reactions were :) When is your first u/s??? Woohoo!
