Friday, May 21, 2010

::cough cough::

So about a week ago I started the sneezing thing. Thinking it was only allergies, I stopped by Target and picked up some Allergy medicine. When after taking it for 4 days my sneezing, coughing and stuffy nose only got worse, I got real with my self and admitted it was a cold. So I gave it and got cold medicine, used Vicks on my nose and suffered through the nights not really being able to sleep. Then 2 nights ago, while at my inlaws, my cough started to make me wheeze. On Thursday ( which I had off for The Boy's birthday) I called the Dr. to ask what I should do. The convo went something like this.

" Hi J, I heard you wenrt feeling well whats going  on?"
::insert story here::
" Hmmm okay well keep taking the OTC meds and we can always put you on a high dose steroid for the wheezing....o wait...are you trying to get pregnant?
"Yes but...."
"Okay lets just stick with the inhaler and OTC meds"

::hmph:: my cough is still pretty bad...

In other news tomorrow is The Boy's birthday party!!!!!! CANT WAIT!