Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas came early..No im not KU

This morning when C got off work she called me and said she was going to go Christmas Shopping for me. So I sent her my very detailed list. She hung out at her mom's for a long time and then told me she was on her way home.

When she got home I was watching The Great Sperm Race ( very interesting!) She came in and said " So i got you something but I want to give it to you now" She is really bad at waiting to give gifts. Any who so she gave it to me and it was a Silver Flip Camera! SCORE! I have been wanting one so bad, Thanks babe!

Today is CD 10 and I have been having some cramping on the left side as well as cramps in general. This morning I had breakthrough bleeding which I cant really find any information on. If it continues I may call RE on Monday and see what they have to say. Our mid cycle CD 15 Follicle scan is on Thursday and im really nervous. I am hoping and praying that the Femara is working wonders and gives us a few nice size follies on CD 15.

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