Sunday, November 14, 2010

Crunch Time

So I am done with the Provera and let me tell you (which most of you readers know this) the Hot Flashes are KILLING me this time around! Geeze! C has been good about it, helping me out by opening the window or turning on the AC full blast for a few moments. What can I say, she's awesome. I've been slacking on taking my Metformin and prenatal, I know I know, I need to take them! The planning for this cycle is somewhat messed up. I got a bouns at work and we thought "Awesome! $$ for spermcicles, meds, ultrasounds and the IUI.!" and (although stupid on our parts) sort of stopped saving a bit. Then I realized that I wont get the money until the 27th, well that may be to late  =(
If it is, we will wait until next month. Let's hope AF is a tad overdue..

A few weeks ago C's Aunt called to invite us to a (dun dun dun) Baby Shower for her husbands niece. C asked me about going and said "I wanted to ask you first, I know how you feel sometimes about baby showers and such." I told her it was fine and that we could go. The baby shower was about an hour away so we went up Saturday night to Sacramento and went shopping in town with her aunt. With all the over exposure to baby items lately I feel like a pro walking into Target, Baby Registry in hand, find what I need and get out. Well not this time. The printers and computers in Target were down which meant we were unable to print the registry.

So there we are in the baby section trying to read the registry off of C's phone, which was NOT easy.  I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, plus there was a very pregnant women, her small child and like 5 other adults in her party making her registry. ::sigh::..

So we got the lamest gift ever.
Diapers and Wipes
(although the Mommy is having twins and said all the diapers she got were "Awesome")

I made it thought the actual baby shower and actually (gulp) had F.U.N! I won a game and enjoyed talking with other people.

I did get the question "So when are you two having children?" and still, Im not sure how to answer. I still dont have a "good" answer. I dont even know what I said. I think for the most part I stumble though the question and say something like "hopefully soon" and change the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe AF will cooperate...we can hope. I am glad you survived the shower!
