Sunday, November 28, 2010


I fought it and fought it but alas I am sick.

C and I went to the Raider game today ( Let's NOT talk about that huge disappointment!) and came home around 4. I had no intention of falling asleep with C but I did. Then I wake up around 9, unable to breath, throat hurting and runny nose. So out of bed I went and plopped myself in the spare room with a drink, my laptop and blanket. I plan to stay here until C goes off to work in about an hour, then attempt to go back to sleep.

The bleeding stopped, that goodness. To be honest I was very worried that I was ovulating

( You can stop laughing now)

Then I snapped back into reality, after the OPK came back - that is. Silly me...

The dull achy cramps are on and off and were a bit uncomfortable last night, im hoping that means something is cooking in there!

O and tomorrow, we buy the vial for this cycle! Horah for spermcicles!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, feel better :( Colds are worse than just about anything. Overall poopy feeling. Try to get some rest.
