Sunday, November 28, 2010


Even if you have never left me a comment, even if you are just a random lurker on my blog, if you are a friend, a family member it doesn't matter. I have had many questions come up about Lesbian Conception and all that it entails. Nothing is off limits so ask away. I want to add them to my F.A.Q Section as well.

So come on...ask!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! found you on the bump (married2mrpooh) and thought I'd follow your blog since we are both bloggers! Feel free to follow me back :) I blog at

    I read about your hotflashes and had my first one yesterday HOLY $h!t! That was some serious business! I thought I was dying for a minute til I gaine composure and figured out what the hell was going on! LOL

    Good Luck with your cycles and everything after! Dang storks!
