Monday, August 30, 2010


Today was a wash. I woke up and felt like poop. I was still so tired but drug myself to work. On the way to work I texted my co teachers and ops. manager to let them know I wasn't feeling well. I started work at 7:45. By 1:00, lunch time, I knew it was time for a nap. I went down to the kitchen and talked to my ops manager and KU co worker ( she struggled with IF for 5 years and is 8 months =) As I was talking I knew I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and did just that =(

I went back to the kitchen to tells my ops manager that I gave up and would be going home ( she too struggled with IF and now has 2 beautiful Daughters via Clomid and IUI, so she  knows what is going on with me) She told me to go home and rest up.

I picked C up from my in-laws and we came home and slept. I slept from 2:15-5:00. When I woke up I was starving so I had a little something to eat and badly wanted to go back to bed, but didn't. Im scared I wont be able to sleep tonight. 

Semi gassy today, cramps like always, sluggish, fatigue, nausea, 2 episodes of vomiting, stuffy/runny nose. Cramping feels really low, not like AF cramps. From supps. im guessing. 

Im so getting sick....


  1. Or your pregnant!!! Either way, I hope you feel better!

  2. A bunch of the girls on the IF board think its a good sign. Im letting them be the optimistic ones and let me think im just getting sick. How are you doing?

  3. Crossing my Fingers!!!!
