Thursday, August 19, 2010


So last night C and I were talking about how the RE told me to take OPK's until I get a +. I also said " i NEVER get a positive! why waste this nice follie that is growing!"

C agreed and suggested that I call to double check with REs NP who we saw at yesterdays ultra sound. So I made the call on my lunch, here is about how the conversation went.

" Hi I had a ultrasound yesterday and was told by NP to use OPK's until I get a positive the call , but honestly I wont Ovulate on my own and was wondering if we would be using the HcG trigger shot this time?"
   "O Sure, let me go look at your chart and as a NP what they think"
"No Problem"

::insert Kaiser commercials on healthcare etc::

"Hi, J, So NP would like you to come in tomorrow morning to trigger and plan for IUI Saturday"
  "Wait, what? Really?"


I was surprised! My E2 levels came back 198 yesterday and NP said they were better than expected!!

So C shall pick up our spermcicles tomorrow and Saturday morning, we are off to be injected!

Keep us in your thoughts as we get through the 2 week wait (2ww) and pray that this is the month for us!!!


  1. Oh, you know I am! Yay for spermsicles! GO AUGUST!!!

  2. My fingers are crossed for you. Good luck! I want to hear about the sperm you chose and how it works, like did you get to look at pictures of the donors or find out about how smart they are, and health background, etc.???
