Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well Hello There

Well Hello to you too Aunt Flo!

This morning as I lay in bed I thought " It feels like AF is here, nah, I wont get my hopes up" So I stagger to the bathroom half awake and wanting to go back to sleep. Slump on the toilet and look down to my green shorts. HOLY COW! She came! So I clean up get ready for work and go into the room to tell C.

I shake her gently and as she wakes up I tell her. She opens one eye, looks at me, gives me a high five and falls back asleep.

So on the way to work I tell my self " I wont call RE until Lunch" Yea, that didn't last long. As soon as I got out of the car I called. Talked to a nice nurse who said that she would send the RX for Clomid over to the pharmacy and I should plan to start on Saturday! EEEKKK!!!!!

Then around 11:30ish I get a call from them. I call back around 12:00 and RN says " RX is filled and can be picked up. Start 150mg of Cloimid on Saturday for 5 days. Ultrasound on 18th @ 9, O and bring your hcg with you as we might trigger you that day!

Holy Cow! Let's go AUGUST!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the ONE time we are happy to see her! Here goes the start of a great cycle!
